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February Message from Our President

Dear Colleagues-

I wanted to update you on a few items and reiterate some important dates to save on your calendars. Our OGS membership remains strong, and we have had some influx of new members to our society this year from all across the state of Ohio. I would encourage all of our current OGS members to renew your membership. I also would ask you to petition your other partners who are not currently members to consider joining our society. Our lobbying and legislative efforts can and will be more impactful when we tell our legislators or insurers that we represent the interests of several hundred gastroenterologists throughout the state.

The link to renew your membership is Our online enrollment is straightforward and easy to navigate. We are happy to enroll new members individually or we can enroll all providers in a practice with a single charge to the practice. If wanting to enroll multiple members, please call 614-527-6728 to enroll all your providers at one time.

$100 remains a very reasonable membership cost which not only gains members free access to our annual meeting and CME event, but it also provides members access to state level advocacy.
Membership remains free for our medical residents and gastroenterology fellows.
If you are a provider at an academic institution, please let your trainees know of this perk and share the membership link with them.

We are still hopeful to have an opportunity to reconvene our state legislative day in Columbus in 2022. If it does occur, it will likely be held virtually this year due to continued visitor restrictions at the state capitol due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If there are any regulatory, insurance related, or state legislative issues adversely affecting your patients or your practices please bring these to our attention. OGS was founded in part to have a “seat at the table” and a means to engage in state health policy issues that affect our members and their respective practices and patients. We are here to advocate on behalf of our members.

Please reach out with any issues at

Our 2022 annual meeting and CME event will be held on Saturday September 17th 2022 at the Renaissance Columbus Westerville Hotel. We are excited to host you all at this event at the centrally located venue in Columbus. We have taken suggestions and comments from our prior meeting attendees on various clinical topics of interest. Our education committee, led by Dr. Dany Raad is using this feedback, and is assembling an excellent panel of speakers. For those members who have not attended our CME event in prior years, this is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues from across the state, gain high yield CME/MOC, and get clinical and business updates on many pertinent topics in gastroenterology. This CME event is FREE to all OGS members, including our trainee members! More detailed information will follow in the coming months. I look forward to seeing all of you in Columbus in September. I wish you all health and happiness in the year ahead.



Terry O’Toole, D.O


To renew, please call 614-527-6728 or email Denise Kieffer at to verify membership status.


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